There are three precepts to observe with regard to paying respect to the three jewels 关于礼敬三宝的戒律亦有三个:
Third , you should always make offerings to the three jewels and the sacred objects of body , speech and mind 第三你应该恒常供奉三宝,包括象徵著佛身语意的任何法物。
Secondly , whatever sufferings and hardships you go through , you should not rely on anything but the three jewels 第二遇到任何困难和痛苦,三宝依然是你唯一可以依赖的庇荫。
The practice starts with refuge in the three jewels , guru devotion , and knowing all the three principle aspects of the path within the three scopes 修习的次第首先是皈依三宝接著是生起强烈皈依上师之心然后是深刻思维菩提道次第广论里的三士道。
The faith of full confidence is to understand that the three jewels are your only and ultimate refuge , and to have heartfelt understanding of and trust in the buddha , dharma and sangha 了悟三宝是你唯一和究竟的庇荫,从而诚心地信任和依赖佛法僧就是虔诚。
Without falling prey to adverse circumstances , busy places , distracting companions , or any other such obstacle on the path to enlightenment , may i take the three jewels as my refuge and train in the gradual path for beings of the three levels of spiritual capacity 不陷于恶缘,忙碌处所,令人放逸的友伴,或任何其他通往觉悟道路的障碍,愿我以三宝为皈依,以三士道次第修行。